Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 5

So I’m currently 5 days out of surgery, I’m back to work, and healing quite nicely. I planned the surgery for a Friday, so that I could have the weekend to heal, and if I needed, I could call in sick on Monday. And I did. I’m not really sure I needed to, but I’m glad I had an extra day to rest. Not that my work is all that strenuous, I sit at a desk for 99% of my time, but by 2:30 this afternoon, I am ready to clock out. Exhausted.

Surgery went well, I’m told. For the days leading up to the surgery, I was growing more and more anxious about it. Not the lap band, but the actual surgery. I truly believed that I was going to die on the operating table. When I kissed my son goodbye Friday morning, I squeezed him extra tight, and prayed it wouldn’t be the last time I saw him. When we got to the surgery center, I had to leave my husband in the waiting room and go get prepped on my own. Lots of questions to answer, shots to endure, all a bit daunting to have to take care of alone. He was allowed back as we waited for the doctor to arrive, and I told him how much I loved him. He was my rock through the whole thing. Finally, it came time for the sedative, and about 30 seconds later, I remember saying “Wow, that works fast, you really should have given me that an hour ago”…

The next thing I remember is being wheeled into a room. I asked if they had started yet, and the kind nurse told me that I was already done. The doctor had called my husband in the operating room to say it all went smoothly, and that he could see me in about an hour. Recovery was slow, but Geoff was with me most of the time I was actually awake. We left the surgical center about 5 hours after we arrived, and even with rush hour traffic, we were home quickly.

I spent most of the weekend alternating between the couch and our bed, napping, icing, and trying to stay comfortable. The pain was manageable, but the nausea was far worse than I’d expected. But I’ve managed to keep everything down… water, Gatorade, popsicles, and my treat for this morning – applesauce.

Today is much better than the previous days. I haven’t need any pain medication and the nausea isn’t bad. I’m just tired. I figure my caloric intake the past five days hasn’t been greater than 300 calories, so what do I expect!?!

So, the first 4 days on the path have been rather rocky… I’m really hoping for the path to smooth out soon.


  1. Hang in there - you won't regret your decision. I think what you are feeling is completely normal. Once you can eat real foods again, you'll be all better :)

  2. I'm glad that surgery went so well, and that you are healing up nicely! Take it easy and ride this period out. It gets much better and much easier from here on out!

  3. Welcome to Bandland! It sounds like you are recovering nicely. That is great! I was banded in February and have lost 72+ lbs. since. Come over and visit me at http://amandakiska.blogspot.com
