Monday, August 16, 2010

Ms. Lora

I love Ms. Lora.

Ms. Lora is a teacher at my son’s daycare, and even though she’s never been one of his teachers, I absolutely adore her. She opens the center early in the mornings for those of us parents that need to drop off before 7:00 am. So, while she has never been my child’s teacher, I’ve left him in her care on an almost daily basis for the past year. She is gentle and soft spoken, loving and kind. She has the type of patience most parents envy. She is respectful to all styles of parenting and supportive of decisions made both inside and outside of the center.

Ms. Lora is also absolutely stunning. She’s just one of those inherently beautiful women, with a spirit that just makes her that much more beautiful. She has perfect hair, flawless makeup and a bright smile every morning when I drop my son off. I have no idea what time she needs to get up to accomplish all of this before 6:30 am, but I’m in awe of her. Mostly because, on any given day, I can be seen running into daycare ten minutes late with sopping wet hair and half my makeup on, still half asleep.

Is there anything that could make me love this woman more? Oddly enough yes. Last Friday, when I was in the midst of throwing myself a pity party for actually GAINING 1.5 pounds (two weeks post-op), she looked at me and said “Are you losing weight???”.

Standing there in my ratty old jeans and tee shirt with watermarks on the shoulders from the aforementioned wet hair, I could have hugged her. She is the first person that doesn’t know about the surgery to comment on my weight.

“I’m trying” I responded. Then, she gave me that look. You know, the one where she turns her head slightly to the side and down, and smiles… “What are you doing?” she quietly asks wanting to know my secret. We’ve often talked about weight and weight loss because she also struggles with it, and is also married to a man that can eat anything he wants and not gain an ounce….

But I lied. I told her I was trying to watch what I eat and walk. *sigh*. I should have told her the truth. I just hadn’t prepared for how I would deal with the questions of my weight loss yet… I know that there are some people that I never want to tell, but she isn’t one of them.

I will tell her some day. I promise.

I love you, Ms. Lora! Thank you for making my day!


  1. Congrats on this big NSV! I'm sure this won't be the last lie you tell if you are keeping your band a secret.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Sarah sent me your way. I do the same thing when people ask. I am sure I will share one of these days but I am not ready to be under the microscope ya know? You are doing great!
