Wednesday, August 11, 2010

“Is this Heaven?”, “It’s Iowa”.

So I’ve had these two movie lines stuck in my head the past few days. I’m healing up quite nicely, my appetite has returned, and I’ve had very little problems with eating any food. My weight loss has stalled (yes, I’m one of those people the weighs themselves everyday), I’m hungry all the time, and I can’t seem to eat enough to feel full. I’ve reached that “Oh crap!! What have I done to myself!?! This can’t possibly work!!” stage, also known as “Band Hell”.

I realize this is just a temporary detour along the path, really, I do… but the irrational and illogical side of me is screaming “It’s a dead end!! Turn back! Turn back!”.

So, how exactly does this relate to the Field of Dreams? Well, the lap band is my chosen tool to help me feel full faster and keep that full feeling longer thus helping me lose weight without feeling hungry… *heaven*. Unfortunately, I’m not there yet. I’m stuck in *Iowa*. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love Iowa, both literally and figuratively.

Literally, Iowa is a great place. My family is from Iowa, and I’ve enjoyed visiting often. I have some beautiful friends that call Iowa home. And let’s face it, there is nothing more heavenly than fresh Iowa sweet corn on the cob.

And figuratively, *Iowa* (aka: Band Hell), isn’t really all that bad either. I’m still able to eat anything I want, and consume as much as I want. I love eating, and I love eating what ever I want, but isn’t this what put me on this path in the first place? Wasn’t the point of the surgery to get out of this place? I know that once I receive my fill all this will change, and I’ll probably be yearning for another day in Iowa, so until then, I will try to enjoy my stay.

Because who knows, maybe Iowa does equal Heaven!

“Is this Heaven”
“It’s Iowa”
“Iowa? I could have sworn this was Heaven”
“Is there a heaven?”
“Oh yeah. It’s the place where dreams come true”
“Maybe this is Heaven”

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great!! This too shall pass - as you know. It's a long process. Hang in there - Heaven is on the way!
